The Insurance Control Commission organized an introductory lunch for the Minister of Economy and Trade, HE Mr. Mansour Bteich with the insurance sector.
Lebanon’s nonlife insurance companies saw their total premiums in 2018 rise by 3.4 percent to reach $1.17 billion. According to the annual survey by Al-Bayan magazine, the total nonlife premiums generated by 44 insurance companies reached $1.17 billion in 2018
At the end of April, the imposition of rules on guaranteed renewability (GR) in health insurance was introduced to the public under ministerial decree 186, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MoET). Executive sat down with Nadine Habbal,
Minister of Economy and Trade, Raed Khoury, on Wednesday said that the positive political developments in the country reinforce the resilience of the national economy in the face of regional challenges.